Bug Photography

In case you haven’t noticed from my previous posts, I love bug photography! This rainbow scarab beetle caught my attention the other day, so I had to do a photoshoot with it! The beetle may have a lovely name and an exquisite exoskeleton, but its habits are anything but glamorous!

Rainbow Scarab Beetle - Bug Photography

I found this little dude lying dead on a trail near my house. 


But, the fact that it was dead made it easier to position it for bug photography. You can tell this specimen of rainbow scarab beetle is a male by the large horn on its head!

Rainbow Scarab Beetle Bug Photography

The Prettiest Dung Beetle You've Ever Seen

The rainbow scarab dung beetle is probably the prettiest dung beetle ever.

In case you don’t know what a dung beetle is, it’s a bug that rolls up huge balls of poop. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, the rainbow scarab beetle “buries its dung ball beneath the mass of poop, instead of rolling it away from the pile,” as compared to other dung beetles.

These pictures are some of my favorite bug photography captures!

Bug Photography

Rainbow Scarab Beetle Facts

Egyptians Worshipped Rainbow Scarab Beetles

Ancient Egyptians viewed rainbow scarabs as positive symbols of great power, and some wore scarab-inspired jewelry to protect against illness and to attract prosperity and good luck. Many also believed that wearing an amulet of the rainbow scarab beetle would facilitate resurrection in another life after death.


Scarab Beetles Play an Important Role in the Ecosystem

Rainbow scarab beetles play an important role in the ecosystem! They help to reduce waste from vertebrates, especially the ones that humans tend to propagate in concentrated areas like cows, goats, and sheep. 

A great example of this is mentioned in an article published by the University of Florida that says, “This was dramatically depicted in Australia, which prior to the colonization of the continent by Europeans, was home to marsupials and no ruminants. The accumulated waste of introduced ruminants gradually resulted in a crisis that was alleviated by the introduction of several species of ruminant-specializing dung beetles to the Australian continent.”

Interesting Insect

Rainbow Scarab Beetles are Romantic

In an article on The Conversation, it is noted that male rainbow scarab beetles use dung to impress females. I mean, I’m not even a dung beetle, but I think the gesture is impressive.

Rainbow Scarab Beetle Bug Photography

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Love bugs? Check out this bug photography post!