
Flower Photoshoot Ideas
Photo by my husband, Evan / Dress by Vera's Eye Candy


My name is Katy. Thanks for stopping by!

When I was very young, my Mom would always talk to me about pollution, conservation of natural resources, and wildlife protection. This instilled in me a lifelong love for nature and a passion to protect it. My mission to recycle was so strong that one time, when I was 5, I picked up what I thought was a used balloon, and brought it to my Mom and asked, “Mama, how can we recycle this?” “Oh my God! Tell me you didn’t put that in your mouth!??! Drop it immediately!” She screamed as she scooped me up for a spontaneous teeth brushing and shower!!! I learned there is such thing as caring too much, haha!! Gotta learn to tone it down sometimes..

Many years later…. I sought education at the University of Oregon, one of the best “green” schools in the country, earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies in 2011. I have worked in the recycling/resale industry as an appraiser of home improvement goods, in the garbage/recycling industry as one bad muther-trucker, and in the water treatment industry.

My favorite ways to pass time are any and all things active! I love getting outside and trying new things! I am always amazed how much exercise plays a role in my mental health. No matter how down I may feel, if I can get moving and get my heart rate up, the result is always spiritual relief and mental clarity. 

I love aerial silks!
Best Knee Pads For Skateboarding
Me at my garbage truck job
I am a water operator
a Ruger lover
and a lab nerd

The natural world is a part of you, and you are a part of it. So, when you choose to be eco-friendly, you are choosing to be healthy, too! And, when you are healthy, you are beautiful! 

The world is experiencing a Green Renaissance where ancient traditions are being rediscovered and united with modern conveniences as companies evolve to meet the growing demand for more sustainable business practices. The economy is blooming with more eco-friendly products to choose from than ever before! My mission is to give these companies the spotlight they deserve and to inspire you to keep striving to protect the only planet and the only bodies we’ve got!  

Seen and Green is committed to helping you stay healthy, beautiful, and motivated to make the best choices for your body, your family, and the planet! 


Photo by Joe Klune in a dress that was given to me
Me at some lava rocks in Oregon in a $5 Goodwill dress


My mission is to give eco-friendly companies, small businesses, and health based companies the spotlight they deserve and to share content that educates and inspires you to keep striving to protect the only planet and the only bodies we’ve got!



Seen and Green is committed to helping you stay healthy, beautiful, and motivated to make the best choices for your body, your family, and the planet! My vision is to help connect you to eco-friendly and healthy options, so you can live your best life! 
