When I quit drinking alcohol over two years ago, I was quick to share my story, because I wanted to help people who were still suffering. After all, sober stories are what inspired me to quit drinking!
I was also eager to share my “after sobriety” pictures because I was stunned at how fast my appearance improved in so many ways.
However, I was reluctant to share my “before sobriety” pictures. Do some scrolling, and you’ll see why.
It’s embarrassing!
As shameful as they are, these photos of me drunk hold power and serve a purpose. Without the “before sobriety” pictures it’s impossible to fully appreciate the visible improvements I’ve experienced.
Before Sobriety
It was common for me to pass out holding my glass and spilling whiskey on me.
Here’s how I used to drink.
I was your classic “functional alcoholic.” I held a good job, worked a lot of overtime, got housework done, and cooked.
Daytime drinking and morning drinking was never my problem. Those were my recovery times!
I couldn’t imagine wanting to drink in the morning, and I never understood people who did! Mornings were reserved for healthy, recovery foods and lots of water.
Passed out again!
I was a 5 pm drinker.
However, I often got off work much later than 5 pm, so I’d drink a lot in a short amount of time to make up for the fact that I had to wait!
Passed out.
For a long time, my drink of choice was whiskey mixed with something low-calorie, like sparkle water, lemon water, or even pickle juice.
I thought if I drank whiskey instead of beer, I would be able to keep my slim figure.
I was wrong!
Passed out with my pint glass of whiskey! Alcohol made me gain serious weight!
The extra pounds looked terrible because my facial features are slim and my boobs never grew to match the rest of me!
I didn’t look healthy, because I wasn’t healthy.
It didn’t matter that I was eating organic quality foods and exercising.
The amount of alcohol I was consuming was canceling out all of my fitness and wellness efforts.
Hungover at a Korean restaurant.
Blacking out every evening was a normal part of my life.
Being hungover was a normal part of my life. I’d feel like shit until noon if I was lucky.
But, a lot of times, my hangovers would last up until I started drinking again in the evening.
After Sobriety
Me wearing my Hellraiser dress by Vera's Eye Candy.
I got sober the stupid way, by quitting cold turkey. It was dangerous and could have cost me my life! However, cold turkey wasn’t even the plan.
I was sick for two and a half weeks after I quit drinking while my poor, addicted body tried to make sense of the abrupt change; a life without alcohol.
When the sickness finally left me, I felt incredible, and I started to look healthy, too!
Lawn Boy wants some mangoes! This 25-pound bag of organic mangoes represents how much weight I lost in sobriety! Click on the image to see before and after sobriety pics.
The pounds started to shed off. I was looking like my old self before I started drinking!
Energy flowed through me!
Exercise replaced alcohol for stress relief.
I got my athletic body back in sobriety!
My self-esteem flourished and my confidence came back. My sense of identity came back too. I wasn’t a drunk loser anymore.
Now I am athletic, healthy, and strong!
I don't pass out on the couch anymore!
In sobriety, I don’t pass out on the couch anymore.
I don’t black out either.
I’m fully aware of what’s going on and I’m in control of myself.
Ruger deserves a sober mom!
I was two years sober in this picture!
Thanks for Reading!
If you are addicted, the thought of quitting drinking can be scary.
You may think that life as you know it would end if you quit, and you’re right.
The life you have as an alcoholic will end if you quit drinking.
But, your new life will begin, and I guarantee that life after sobriety is amazing, authentic, and beautiful!