Wouldn’t it be rad if you could hop in a time machine and travel back to the 90s to go shopping? Why not just hop on your phone or laptop and visit Vera’s Eye Candy?

90s Alternative Fashion
Me wearing my Mars Attacks dress at a mural in ABQ New Mexico. Dress by Vera's Eye Candy.

I discovered Vera’s Eye Candy a few years ago and have been hooked ever since. For the majority of my life, I’ve survived off of thrift store finds – not the worst way to live, but obviously limiting. If the store didn’t have my style or size, I’d have to keep shopping around or go without.

90s Alternative Fashion
Me wearing my Texas Chainsaw Massacre dress by Vera's Eye Candy.

I started spending more money on clothes in my early 30s, but by then all of my favorite styles weren’t available anymore!

90s Alternative Fashion
Me wearing my Beetlejuice crop top by Vera's Eye Candy.

After searching Google for 90s alternative clothes, I stumbled upon Vera’s Eye Candy, and I’m so glad I did!

90s Goth Fashion
Me wearing Donnie Darko halter top by Vera's Eye Candy.

I’ve seen plenty of horror shirts, but Vera’s Eye Candy makes horror dresses!

Horror dresses?! 

Yes. Horror dresses. And crop tops. And heavy metal band dresses. And crop tops.

You won’t find styles like this anywhere else. I know, because I’ve looked.

90s Alternative Fashion
Me wearing my Hellraiser dress by Vera's Eye Candy.
Alcoholism Before And After
Me wearing my Hellraiser dress by Vera's Eye Candy.

Psychological Effects of Watching Horror Movies

Lately, I’ve been pondering the psychological effects of watching horror movies.

I’ve loved horror films since I was a kid. I remember watching The Shining when I was 5 years old, by myself in a dark room! Brave, I know.

I was obsessed with The Stand as a kid. In fact, I’m still obsessed with it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it. 25 times? 50 times? Who knows?

Pet Semetary has always been a favorite. It too, was one of the repeat VHS rentals from my childhood.

This year has been rough. I went through serious medical trauma for the first time in my life over the course of several months. Surgeries were botched. Mistakes were made, and I was struggling to keep my physical and mental health intact.

I had to go to the ER twice after one surgery, and both times I refused to wear a hospital gown, opting for my clothes instead. My belly was bloated from surgical gas and sore from the cuts. The only clothes I could comfortably wear were Vera’s Eye Candy dresses. The dresses made me feel like myself in an environment where identity is otherwise stripped. 

And, for some reason, the horror aspect of the clothes also made me feel good.

90s Alternative Fashion
Me wearing my Pet Semetary Dress by Vera's Eye Candy.

I didn’t use the TV the entire time I was in the hospital. Instead, I watched my laptop to binge free horror films on YouTube. Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead are all free on YouTube! (The old versions/good versions). 

In addition, I found some old Stephen King movies to watch, though I couldn’t track down a free version of Pet Semetary.

Why the hell would I want to watch people getting fucked up while I was suffering?

According to an article I found called, “The Psychology of Fear: Exploring the Science Behind Horror Entertainment,” 

“Horror entertainment can trigger the fight-or-flight response, which comes with a boost in adrenaline, endorphins, and dopamine. The brain can then process surroundings and conclude that the experience is not a genuine threat.”

I like to watch horror films for the reasons mentioned above. However, I’d like to expand on the part about the horror film experience not being a genuine threat. 

When I was hospitalized, I felt incredibly threatened. Blood draws were taken every 2 hours. My IV needle had to be relocated several times, and my veins were hiding. Each jab was a nightmare. As I mentioned, my surgeries were botched, resulting in an infection that could have killed me.

The experience got me thinking. Most of the trauma I’ve endured in the past has been mental and psychological. I’d never dealt with serious physical trauma before 2023. 

It made me feel fortunate because I know some people are born with serious health issues that cause physical trauma from day one. I know some people struggle with physical pain daily for the entirety of their lives. When I was suffering, I reminded myself that I was fortunate to be alive at a time when medical science is advanced enough to offer anesthesia and other pain medications. In other words, my suffering was minuscule compared to others.

Seeing people get slowly eaten alive by zombies was a humbling reminder that my life could be so much worse.

90s Grunge Fashion
Me wearing my Hole dress by Vera's Eye Candy.

Check Out Vera's Eye Candy!

If you love horror, grunge bands, metal bands, and all things 90s alternative, check out Vera’s Eye Candy. The 90s were the best times for music and movies. Let the nostalgia wrap you like a heated blanket. Mmmmmm, so nice!

If you buy something from Vera, you’ll be supporting a tiny business! 

(This article does NOT contain affiliate links. If you purchase through the links in this article, I will not earn a commission. I just wanted to share my favorite fashion brand with you!)

90s Grunge Clothes Vera's Eye Candy
Me wearing Silverchair crop top by Vera's Eye Candy.

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