This article provides 11 post-hysterectomy exercise ideas to ease into while you are in recovery.
Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle mass, speeding up recovery, and helping you sleep. Working out also helps relieve post-hysterectomy depression, joint pain, gas pains, and constipation.
In an article that I published on Medium called, “Hysterectomy Recovery: The First 24 Hours,” I go into detail about the horrific pain I experienced due to excess surgical gas getting trapped in my diaphragm. When I called my surgeon, she told me to walk and move around because movement was the only thing that would relieve the pain. It worked.
However, after a few weeks into my recovery, walking only helped so much. I needed more exercise ideas.
How Soon Should You Exercise After a Hysterectomy?
Listen to Your Doctor
Listen to what your doctor says about how soon you should exercise after a hysterectomy! Everyone is different, so it is crucial that you prioritize your doctors’ advice above all else.
Most doctors will recommend that you walk within the first few days after your hysterectomy. As time goes by, your doctor will clear you to do other light workouts, but they may not have specific advice for what kind of exercises to do. I made this article to share some exercise ideas that helped keep me sane and healthy while I was recovering from my hysterectomy.
Listen to Your Body
You should also listen to your body when deciding how soon you should exercise after a hysterectomy.
For example, if your doctor tells you that you can do gentle exercises 2 weeks after your hysterectomy, but the exercises hurt you, definitely stop doing them! You should not do any exercises that cause you even the slightest pain while in recovery.
Pay attention to your energy levels too. If you feel fatigued, stop exercising for the day, and try it again when you feel more lively.
However, if you find that gentle post-hysterectomy exercises make you feel good, then keep it up! When your muscles are thirsty for exercise, you may feel a restless sensation in your legs, also known as “kicky legs,” (according to me, haha!) This restless feeling can make it difficult to sleep, and it’s your body’s way of telling you that you need exercise.
1. Stair Steps
Stair steps are a great way to help maintain leg muscle and work out some of that extra energy during your post-hysterectomy recovery. Just make sure to do them slowly and gently while focusing on optimal balance and stability.
You can do stair steps on one step as shown in the photos below, or climb actual stairs. If doing stair steps with one step, make sure to alternate which leg you step up with.
Gentle and slow stair steps. Alternate which leg you step up with first.
Stair-steps. Alternate which leg you step up with first.
2. Baby Squats
You may not be able to do full squats while recovering from your hysterectomy, and that is OK! Traditional squats are great, but only go as low as you feel comfortable going.
Try baby squats and squat variations. People are obsessed with telling others that their form is incorrect, but I’ve got news; there are many ways to do squats! As long as it doesn’t cause pain and injury, you will benefit from squat variations.
You can try squats at varying dip levels, with your legs spread at different widths, and with your toes pointing in different directions. Squat variations will work different muscle groups and satisfy your workout needs while in recovery from a hysterectomy.
Baby squats. Do whatever is comfortable. I wasn't able to get lower than this without feeling strain on my abdomen.
Baby squats. The "wrong way" to squat is a myth. If it is comfortable and works your muscles, it is correct!
3. Dips
Dips are a great post-hysterectomy exercise that help you maintain arm muscles without lifting anything heavy. Heavy lifting is prohibited while you are recovering from a hysterectomy, because your core is involved with most weight-lifting exercises. But with dips, you can work your arms without putting any strain on your abdomen.
You can do dips at different heights, just make sure that the surface you are placing your hands on is stable enough to support you! Start dips with your legs closer to you as shown in the pictures below. If you want to challenge yourself, you can move your legs out farther from your body.
4. Arm Circle Variations
Arm circle variations are the most gentle of post-hysterectomy exercises! If you have never tried them before, give them a chance! You may be surprised how quickly you can make your arms tired doing these.
Try slow circles in varying motions while keeping the arms in sync with each other. Do not move arms in different directions from each other. This will help to keep your back muscles aligned and prevent injury. Keep your movements slow and controlled.
Do forward circles, backward circles, big circles, little circles, flap like a bird, and hold them up at different heights for extended periods.
Arm circle variations. Switch it up!
5. Bridges
Bridges are a well-known post-hysterectomy exercise that helps you rebuild and maintain the strength of your pelvic floor. As a bonus, bridges are great for keeping your booty tight and toned!
Make sure to keep your back flat on the mat when you are in the down position, and keep your booty tucked in and tight when lifting up. Do bridges slowly in reps and hold the up position for a few of the reps.
Bridges. Tuck and tighten your booty when you are up like this.
Flatten your spine on the mat. Do not arch your spine.
6. Leg Extensions
Leg extensions serve to help you stretch your hamstrings while keeping your leg muscles toned.
After my hysterectomy, I found it painful to stretch my hamstrings by doing normal downward dog or toe-touching movements, because it hurt my stomach to bend my torso upside down.
Keep your back flat on the mat without arching, and lift your leg straight up. Hold it there and move your ankle around, pointing your toes in different positions. It feels so good!!!
Lift legs straight into the air, one at a time, keeping your back flat against the mat.
7. Flat Let Extensions
Flat leg extensions are very beneficial to pelvic floor strength. This exercise may not wear you out, but it is crucial for your post-hysterectomy recovery!
Keeping your back flat on the mat, slowly slide one leg out until it is fully extended. Draw the leg back in and then extend the other one.
Slide one foot slowly until your leg is fully extended.
Slide your leg back into position, and then do the other leg.
8. Leg Leans
Leg leans are another post-hysterectomy exercise that will not wear your out, but are important for your pelvic floor. This small movement can help ease the back pain you may have aquired from being stuck in bed during recovery.
Keeping your back flat,slowly lean your bent knees from side to side. Don’t lean too far. Make small and gentle movements.
Slowly lean from side to side.
Keep your back flat.
9. Calf Raises
All of the other leg exercises I’ve shown mostly work the upper leg muscles like the quads, but don’t forget your calves! Calf muscle helps protect your ankles from injury and helps keep all of your movements stable and safe.
This exercise is simple and gentle, which makes it the perfect post-hysterectomy exercise. Slowly stand on your toes, hold the position for a few seconds, and then let your heels touch the ground again. You can grab onto something to help you stay balanced if needed. Try spreading your feet at different distances to work different muscle areas.
Calf raises
Calf raises
10. Upright Pushups
Regular pushups on the ground require a lot of core tightening, which can cause strain and injury to your abdomen while in recovery. That’s why upright pushups are a great way to maintain arm muscle while in recovery from a hysterectomy.
You can do these at different angles and spread your arms at different widths to work different muscle groups. Make sure to keep your back straight and not arched.
Upright pushups are easy on your core
Upright pushups
11. Upright Stretches
Stretching is important when exercising and upright stretches may be the only type you can do while recovering from your hysterectomy. As I said, after my hysterectomy, I wasn’t able to do any stretches that required bending my torso downwards.
Upright stretches like the one shown below work your muscles in subtle ways by requiring balance. Stretching also relieves back pain and helps prevent injury during exercise.
Do light stretches. Do whatever feels comfortable! Don't overdo it!
I Hope This Has Been Helpful!
I hope this has been helpful to you! Hysterectomy recovery is mentally and physically draining, but gentle exercise can help speed up your recovery.
As I mentioned before, listen to your doctor’s advice about when you can start exercising, and listen to your body as well. If you feel fatigued, take a rest! If something hurts or doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right! Be patient and don’t push yourself. Start with the more gentle-looking exercises first and then advance if you feel up for it.